I'm Nain Belliappa!
An interior designer turned design blogger. Houseof9Design stemmed from my passion and love for interiors since I was a little girl, put into fruition after investing the time in doing up my own home.
You know what? I did take the conventional route too- post grad marketing student from the University of Manchester. Worked in the corporate world for a few years, never happy and found my true-calling a little late in life. But hey, better late than never right?! :)
I live in an apartment in Bangalore, India- with my lovely husband and my ever so adorable pups (i'd still like to think of them as little), Summer and Arlo!
I write and capture stories about my design work, my home, homes that I love and my never ending love for travel and lifestyle. Happy viewing & reading.
Picture Courtesy: Nayan Soni